Meet our research partner HUN-REN SZTAKI
The HUN-REN SZTAKI is a research institute founded in 1964, governed by the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN). SZTAKI is the acronym of the Hungarian name of the institute, while its full English name is “Institute for Computer Science and Control”. The fundamental task of the Institute is to perform basic and application-oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting in the fields of computer science, engineering, information technology, intelligent systems, process control, wide-area networking and multimedia. Contract-based target research, development, training and expert support for domestic and foreign industrial, governmental and other partners are important activities at the Institute.
The Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence (EMI) is involved in the rEUman project. The main research activities of EMI Laboratory center around cyber-physical production systems and are aimed at developing such models, methods and techniques that are capable of handling complex production and business systems working in an uncertain, changing environment. Seeking a balance between the aspects of optimization, autonomy and co-operation, this research necessitates an interdisciplinary approach with special emphasis on computer science, operation research, manufacturing science and technology, as well as artificial intelligence.
With the rEUman project results SZTAKI wants to strengthen its existing competence in special human-robot collaboration tasks and to build relationships with the developed technologies towards Hungarian industrial companies as well
The key roles of SZTAKI in the project are remanufacturing factory modelling, simulation and optimization, and robotics visual inspection of post-use electronics. The main responsibility is leading a workpackage on „Factory level: Cyber-physical and digitally-enhanced remanufacturing factory”.